Contact From Beyond

  • The Product:

    A fully gamified, story driven semester long curriculum for High School Biology

    The Audience:

    High School students, teachers, and parents.

  • The goal:

    Welcome to Contact from Beyond- a fully gamified, story driven semester long curriculum for High School Biology. Gamification is a unique style of teaching turning all aspects of learning into a game! The results are an increase in student retention, growth, and overall fun! Each unit made by Questify Education (Me) provides a unique experience for both the students as well as the teacher.

    My goal is to make the teachers life as easy as possible while providing the tools to make your classroom a fun and exciting place that students want to go to. Throughout our unique process of storytelling and gamification, I hope to provide a learning experience like no other. Each curriculum provide comes with the following:

    A guide to help you navigate your school day and provide suggestions on how to get the most out of our curriculum.

    A calendar adjusted for a half year semester with suggestions on what units and activities to teach and when, allowing for easy planning.

    Slides containing editable notes for each unit in both PDF and Google Slides format.

    Activities, Worksheets, Projects and more all tailored to the unique theme of the curriculum.

    Our unique gamified quizzes and tests hoping to take the stress out of testing in both Google Forms and Google Doc format.

    Plenty of graphics, unique tools, and fun kits to help students feel engaged, excited, and ready to learn!

  • Project duration

    April 20th, 2024- Now (Currently ongoing)

    My role:

    Curriculum designer, brand strategist, and graphic designer..


    Full design and development of curriculum (activities, slides, quizzes, test, labs, and more)

    Graphic Designer

    Web Designer

    LMS (Moodle) Developer

First Steps

With a goal in mind I decided to get to founding Questify Education LLC ©, with the sole purpose of creating great Gamified content for students. I was a teacher and I knew what was terrible with the current curriculum. I wanted to make it fun, but also more serious. Like the video games high schoolers play today. To tell a story and to allow ease of access for the teacher, letting them put their twist on it.

My first steps were to fully write out all the curriculum- objectives, goals, sub-goals, activities, projects, labs, you name it. This needed to be made into a physical packet. Something teachers could print out. Nearly 232 pages later I finally completed it. Here are some examples pages:

The Designs

After all the curriculum was put together, the next steps were to make custom designs for everything. To make it seem like a story. My concept was aliens coming to earth and the students were allowed a choice- defend earth, research the aliens, or try to establish connection with them. Depending on their choice, they would received slightly altered work (still easy for teachers to grade) and a different ending in the class. Here are some of the designs currently made, please note this is a work in progress and I plan to have it completed and on the shelves (Teachers Pay Teachers) by August 2024.

Check out my other work!

Fighting Styles

Fighting styles is a Wix based brand and site focusing on selling martial arts styled clothing and apparel to martial artists and the public alike.

My responsibilities were to develop new designs for products, design and managing social media posts, contributing to the Shopify store with product uploads, and Web Design of the Wix Site.

Check out the Case Study here!